Pourquoi choisir une pièce de créateur article blog manegane

Why choose a designer bag?

An artisanal product is a product made in unique pieces or in small series. It brings into play the know-how of an artisan. To contrast it with an industrial product, the artisanal product is not manufactured in large quantities by machines. We can distinguish a “handmade” product from an “industrial” product by the appearance and quality which speak for themselves.

The artisanal product reflects shapes which are not necessarily equal, inaccurate dimensions, visible veining, differences in appearance of the leather, the artisan tries to optimize the placement of the patterns in the skin, unlike large industries which do not only prune the central part and throw away everything else.; traces of manual manufacturing are also present... but that's what makes this product so charming!

creation of customizable leather glasses cases Manegane


A good number of craftsmen are increasingly starting to rely on eco-responsible materials and increasingly ecological processes. Manegane, since the very beginning of its creation, in 2016, has always worked with leather scraps which allow the reuse of existing materials and avoid overproduction.

It was during her professional training that Manon found her first suppliers in France, who were traders. It is, as she calls it, the “Cave of Ali Baba”, each visit there is a day bathed in endless colors and materials.

Because yes, you have to allow a day on site to choose as there are so many options. We therefore have access to leathers from top French and Italian fashion houses and to leathers from tanneries producing for these big names.

Leathers resulting from reuse and which may sometimes have been produced for Hermès or Chanel.

handcrafted leather purse, French leather goods Manegane

Created with love

Opting for a designer bag means opting for an accessory created with care and study by a passionate craftsman. The techniques used in its design are unique and the fruit of years of learning. They stand out from the industrial methods put forward by major brands. We don't stitch a bag by machine "in series", we stitch a bag by machine, with its new combinations of colors, its unique material, and the difficulties that this new model can present. Each model is a discovery, which also involves errors, failures, hours of reflection and above all, we see the article, the fruit of our research, take shape, take shape, and come to life until the finishes. This will be followed by photos and articles specific to each of these new models. A work designed in its entirety by one and the same person, with passion.

Better quality

The creator does everything, from design to packaging, he spends his time creating the product with love. Compared to a bag from big industry or fast fashion, the accessory has a fine and exemplary finish. Accompanied by a personalized exchange with the buyer. The robustness of the model is a major consideration for the designer who really cares about the durability of the model acquired by his client, providing him with appropriate advice. Manegane also provides leather samples of the model acquired by its customers so that they can test the cleaning in advance on these samples. An authenticity card is also provided with each handbag model.

A unique and original piece

The creator uses different raw materials, which allows him to create a truly original work. They are made in small series and this optimizes their values.

Support the economy

Buying from a designer allows you to support your small French business and increase your notoriety. In addition, the origin of the products is certified and in the event of questions/problems, it is easier to communicate with the creator than with major brands.

Manegane bags encompass all these reasons, and promise you an original, unique and above all responsible bag.

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